Why are those Yellow Flowers There?
I had just picked my 6 year old daughter up from School the other day, we were driving back along the Totnes Road towards Newbarn Farm. The hedgrows for this time of year are typically flourishing with a golden glow - countless bulbs having survivied a harsh winter are majestically on show with a crowning glory of hundreds of tubular yellow flowers. My daughter found this a little odd as the trees are still in their winter state, barren and bare. Hence the question, " Why are those yellow flowers there?".

I explained that daffodils are a sure indication that spring is on it's way (at long last!); Snowdrops in January and early February often fight with the winter snow to capture the sun; catkins are a sign that the early spring lambs will be born soon and then the daffodils start to emerge as the temperature warms up and Easter is fast approaching. She was satsified with my answer.

Yesterday we saw blossom buds on the Oriental Damson tree and on the Apple tree on the banks just above Island Pool, another sure sign that spring is indeed on its way!
The mole activity in some of the fields is quite alarming - every morning fresh mounds in evidence of their growing numbers. Birds having paired up collecting twigs and grasses to line their nests and the fish are beginning to feed after a long cold winter.

Anglers on the banks at Newbarn Farm, an ever popular Devon Fishing Holiday site, have reported catches of up to 25lb (a 25lb Common was caught over the weekend one evening).
With the sun emerging and postive signs that spring is truly on its way - where better to watch nature adapt to the coming summer than on a self-catering holiday with fishing here at Newbarn Farm.
We are lucky! Living on site my daughter and her younger sister will continue to watch spring emerge and develop into summer in these beautiful surroundings. And they can ask as many questions as they wish on the changing scene unfolding infront of them!
Newbarn Farm: probably one of the best Fishing Holidays in Devon; Devon Fishing Holiday; Self-catering cottages & fishing; Holiday Cottages & Fsihing and Fishing in Devon
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