Victoria Beckham never far from the front pages of the celebrity glossies or indeed the higher ranking fashion journals has successfully managed to ridicule herself in the full glare of the Paparazzi. Sporting a highly fashionable expensive pair of Christian Louboutin 'pumps', Posh clearly thought she looked the business. How wrong she was! Oh Dear, Oh Dear! Wearing the shoes at least two sizes too big, the outer arches of her feet were falling infront of her toe line, I'm very surprised she managed to walk at all! Now some may say that in the face of fashion this is acceptable - well just possibly on the red carpet but surely not on a day out with three young boisterious sons running around the Universal Studios in Los Angeles. Yep! The woman has clearly lost it! She should have been in casual shoes and a casual outfit, she obviously selfishly thinks far more of herself than those poor sons of hers. Flipflops, trainers or even a pair of pink wellies would have done.
Goodness knows what she would adorn on her feet should she ever grace the paths at Newbarn Farm, with gravelled pathways and the occassional muddy footpath. I'm sure a pair of Louboutin 'pumps' would soon loose their face value! A good pair of wellies or walking boots are needed on wetter days and a pair of flip flops fine for the hotter months. But maybe those here on a Devon fishing holiday would find flipflops a little flimsy on the banks of the Fishing in Devon lakes.

So don those pink wellies and let's be seeing you!
Newbarn Farm probably the best Fishing in Devon; Devon Fishing Holiday; Fishing Holidays Devon; Holiday Cottages & Fishing; Self-catering Cottage & Fishing
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