We are going to split the blogs from now on.
Whilst Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centre is the place to come and practise your Devon fishing, it is also the place to come and chill out in one of our self catering cottages. You don't have to be a fisher person.
So we will give you the catch report early in the week and late in the week we will tell you what else is going on in the surrounding area.
I'm sorry, back to the record catch report and I haven't posted it.
So here it is, I'm a bit late, this was week commencing 26th June, thanks to everyone who participated, we all had a great time and it must be great to know you were the ones who broke the record.
Click on it for the bigger image
No I'm sorry, you need to imagine a roll on the drums, a fanfare of trumpets, this is the record catch report for Devon Fishing at Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centre and is the result of the hard work of everyone concerned, who want to see Newbarn Farm and Devon fishing provide a terrific holidaying experience for all.

Andy Morris, Devon fishing extraordinary, took out Casper

Carla Mays' Bream, Devon Fishing Lady extraordinary.
Harry Clays' Queenie, Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centres Star, blimey she's put on weight.
Ian Salters' Queenie, hang on is Ian a really big bloke?

No that is not Queenie and Luke is not a really big bloke, but he had a great day Devon fishing.

Peter Hayden his first Carp caught, well done Peter, we hope it's the first of many and wish you much more sport Devon Fishing
I hope you all enjoyed the record catch report, we did.
Regards Simon
Devon Fishing Record Catch

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