Monday, 30 July 2007

Devon Fishing ground bait at Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centre

Hello Everyone

I have attached the catch report, sorry it is much larger than it appears but we didn't collect all the figures, so they don't count. Just click on it for the big picture.

Underneath is some ground bait information for your interest.

A Simple Ground Bait from Devon Fishing at Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centre

At last the sun is shining here at Newbarn Farm and the fishing has picked up, with the fish taking bait from the bottom and the surface.

A simple ground bait method that we use here at Newbarn Farm and that can be used at other places is a modified pellet based one.

This is how you can make it. Get two pints of micro pellet, place them into bucket or mixing bowl, then add water to the mix. You want sufficient water to just cover the pellet. Leave the mix for about 2 – 3 hours, stirring every thirty minutes, if you can remember.

You can use other size pellets but you will need to adjust the soaking time to obtain the required consistency.

You want to achieve a doe like consistency, which will be strong enough to take any shape you want to mould it into without it falling apart.

You can also add things to this mix i.e. sweetcorn, hempseed broken boilies etc. You can also add different flavoured liquids, so experiment and see what you come up with.

Take the doe like material and mould it around a method feeder, I have shown the Korum flat in line feeder for an example.

You can see how the feeder can have the doe mix moulded around it, the design of the feeder allows you to pack the mixture into it, making a solid mass that will keep its shape.

There is nothing to stop you using the mix to pack around your weights. It may sound odd but the fish do find your hook.

Best of luck with your Devon Fishing at Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centre


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