Monday, 3 December 2007
****Santa & Angelina's Star Performance****

Monday, 12 November 2007
Christmas Shopping

Monday, 8 October 2007

Hurray whilst the offer lasts!
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
South Devon Fishing at Newbarn Farm Selfcatering Cottages and Angling Centre
I have the catch report for last week and what a report, excellent numbers and some excellent pictures, well done everyone.
The carp fishing and silver fishing has been excellent and without any fishing tournaments, get your fishing license and come and get some fishing tips.
Click on the pictures for a larger size.

Some excellent pictures,
Ian Chick's 18 lb Mirror
Jack and Darren's triple

Jack and Jay's double

Jack Lord's Common, Steady Jack your making a pig of yourself

Jack Lord's Leather Carp, stop it Jack!

And here we have a pair of Queenies, no not you lads!
Justin Burgoyne
Peter Tamplin

You have all done extraordinarily well, South Devon fishing is great, Carp fishing is great, come to Newbarn Farm Selfcatering Cottages and Angling Centre for Fishing tournaments, get your fishing license and come and get some fishing tips.
Regards Simon
Sunday, 30 September 2007
Spoding for Devon fishing at Newbarn Farm Selfcatering Cottages and Angling Centre
Spoding is a method where you can set a bed of bait at a long distance quite useful on all types of lake. A useful tool when you have time to prepare your swim, limited for fishing tournaments, used favourably at Devon’s Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centre for Carp fishing, all in all a very useful fishing tip.
The preferred baits for the Spod are particle baits, such as Sweet corn, Hemp, Pellet, Maggots etc.
The idea of the Spod is to fill the Spod with what ever you like, cast to an area and continue to do so until you have developed a bed of ground bait and then proceed to fish on top with preferred hook bait.

Here is an example of an additive that is available for your Spod, but don’t forget your own concoctions can be more fun to research and sometimes amazingly effective. The description below is Sensas description, not mine.
Sensas Carp Spod Booster - Salty Sauce
Spod boosters increase the effectiveness of any spoding mix by adding nutritional feed inducing signals. By adding to both the pre soaked spod mix and the soaked spod mix these spod boosters will constantly leak off a complex of high mineral feed inducing signals over a greater period encouraging investigatory responses from cruising carp.
Also add spod boosters to both groundbaits and method mixes to again increase the effectiveness of the bait mix. When used as a spod additive it is impossible to over load the spod boosters into the mixes but 50ml to a kilo of mix is a good starting point.
The spod boosters can be used straight from the pot as a rig dip or put straight into a solid PVA bag for liquid baiting.
Salty Sauce- is a liquid feed additive primarily based on the mineral content in both salt variants and molluscs within the lake environment. It is often noted that carp are seen picking up and sucking stones and pebbles present within certain areas of the lake, these often transpose into catching hot spots. This is due to the carp attempting to find and ingest essential salts and minerals for the necessary growth and reconstruction process. Carp find salt and minerals by the change in water PH around the necessary salts and minerals, now we have it in a bottle. An accelerated PH adjuster.
And there are many more.
This should be a useful
Friday, 28 September 2007

Friday, 21 September 2007
Selfcatering South Devon Catch Report
Hi Everyone
I have attached last weeks catch report for our Selfcatering Holiday Cottages
Don't forget to ask the lads about fishing tournaments, fishing tips, carp fishing and fishing licenses.

Here is a little article on fishing stalking from Darren
A Carp anglers favourite way to fish, well it is mine.
Stalking is a great way to fish, on the move and keeping an eye out for that tell tail sign that a Carp is feeding.
All that is needed is a good rod small float, you can also free line.
When you are stalking it is vital that you are very very quite as not to spook the fish, always check that your shadow dose not cast onto the water and that your approach is very silent. Camouflage gear is useful to, if you have non dark colours work. And try to blend with your back ground, keep low and try not to be spotted because as soon as you are seen the fish will spook and go.
Gently lower your bait into the water and wait!!
I find this a great way to fish but always respect other anglers and do not stalk were there bait lies. Have ago and see what you think it’s good. Here at Newbarn it is a very effective method.
Hope you all enjoyed that article.
Regards Simon
Friday, 14 September 2007
Luxury Self-catering Offers
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Devon fishing at Newbarn Farm Holiday Cottages
Hi everyone,
Welcome from Newbarn Farm Selfcatering Cottages and Angling Centre, Devon fishing at its best.
Sorry, late again with the catch report for last week, this is becoming a habit.
But we have been too busy sunning ourselves, it has been far to good out there to do any work.
What an amazing 2 weeks for late summer weather it has been glorious.
Click on the catch report picture for a larger size.

We have had some interesting fishing tournaments which have been enjoyed by all concerned.
The lads have been providing fishing tips to the new Carp fishing enthusiasts.
We have copied a specimen fishing license which we are posting on the web site to show those newbies who don't know what one looks like.
There is an article on the web site detailing where the fishing license money goes, click on fishing and then articles, the license article is listed.
Hope the weather holds all over the winter ( Ha flaming Ha) or as long as possible.
The great weather has been a bonus for the holiday makers in the holiday cottages.
Regards Simon
Friday, 7 September 2007
A Cider Invitation

Friday, 31 August 2007
Devon Fishing, Carp Fishing, Fishing Tournaments, Fishing Tips, Fishing License,
Here is last weeks catch report, sorry a bit late.
Click on the image to see the full size report

That's a bit more like it.
Here are a couple of articles written by Darren, very interesting and very well done.
Back leads
Back leads are used all the time when bottom fishing for Carp.

When you have placed your bait in the desired place, the back lead is placed onto your line at the tip of your rod.
This in turn will take the line to the bottom of the lake just in front of your rod.
When this is done gently place your rod onto your rod pod and gently reel your line in until the line becomes tight, this in turn will pull the line tight to the bottom of the lake reducing the line up in the water reducing the suspicions of the Carp.

Anything to make your rig look as natural as possible will help you catch them Carp
Have a great time with your Devon Fishing
Don't forget your fishing license
Come and enjoy fishing tournaments
Carp fishing at its best
Fishing tips to improve your fishing
Regards Simon

Friday, 24 August 2007
Newbarn Farm's Summer Fayre debut raises £400

Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Devon Fishing at Newbarn Farm Selfcatering Cottages and Angling Centre,
Hello everyone
Got the Devon fishing catch report for you, plus a lovely picture, but first here is some information on why you should come to Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centre whatever the weather.
Fish like low Barometric pressure
In an area of low pressure the air has a tendency to rise. This general upward motion means that there is less pressure from the air pushing down on the earth, in other words there is low pressure. As air rises, it cools and if there is enough water vapour it may condense to form clouds and rain. This is why a low pressure is generally associated with wet weather.
Low pressures often form on the boundary of warm and cold air. A small disturbance may cause the pressure to fall along this boundary, causing a circulation of air to develop. This is the beginning of a low pressure, and the boundaries of warm and cold air become weather fronts.
So when its raining the fishing is better.
I'm convinced! when its raining come to Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centre
Click on the image for the large picture

Here is the picture 18 lb Leather Carp caught by Paul Gibbon, well done Paul, Devon Fishing at its best
Thanks everyone, Have a great time, hope to see you all soon
Regards Simon
Friday, 17 August 2007
Self Catering Late Availability

Best of luck with your search
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Devon Fishing at Newbarn Farm Selfcatering Cottages and Angling Centre
Alright where did that rain come from.
Devon fishing at Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centre is proud to present
Wettest June since records began
Wettest July since records began
No surely not, we are not going to believe it.
We are going to have a virtual August and I don't mean virtually the wettest August since records began.
What ever the weather we are going to have sunshine inside.
Here is the catch report for last week.

For your information we have explained 9 common fishing terms.
Hook (1) A curved piece of metal used to catch fish. (2) A clever advertisement to entice a fisherman to spend his live savings on a new rod and reel. (3) The punch administered by said fisherman´s wife after he spends their life savings (see also, Right Hook, Left Hook).
Line - Something you give your co-workers when they ask on Monday how your fishing went the past weekend.
Lure - An object that is semi enticing to fish, but will drive an angler into such a frenzy that he will charge his credit card to the limit before exiting the tackle shop.
Reel - A weighted object that causes a rod to sink quickly when dropped into water.
Rod - An attractively painted length of fiberglass that keeps an angler from ever getting too close to a fish.
School - A grouping in which fish are taught to avoid your £15.00 lures and hold out for real dog biscuit.
Tackle - What your last catch did to you as you reeled him in, but just before he wrestled free and jumped back in to the water.
Tackle Box - A box shaped alarmingly like your comprehensive first aid kit. Only a tackle box contains many sharp objects, so that when you reach in the wrong box blindly to get a Band Aid, you soon find that you need more than one.
Test - (1) The amount of strength a fishing line affords an angler when fighting fish in a specific weight range. (2) A measure of your creativity in blaming "that darn line" for once again losing the fish.
Wishing you the best Devon Fishing ever.
Rod and Annette
Friday, 10 August 2007
Charity Summer Fayre

Thursday, 9 August 2007
Devon Fishing at Selfcatering Cottages and Angling Centre
Sorry a bit late this week.
I have shown the catch report for last week, sorry not all is in it.
Click on it for a larger view.

On a very serious note, we are very concerned here at Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centre,
It is absolutely excellent here, we love it, the fishing is great, the cottages are great, the people are great, in fact every thing is great.
But we are very worried.
Sir Isaac said that it is a basic law of physics, that every action has an opposite and equal reaction.
There is Yin and Yang, Matter and Antimatter.
So Newbarn farm is so extraordinarily great, must mean that there is something extraordinarily horrible because of it.
We feel we must apologise to anyone who has experienced the horrible, just because our Devon Fishing and Selfcatering Cottages are so excellent.
Look below at prime examples of the spooky opposites.

Every action has an opposite an equal reaction to keep the world in balance

The Yin and the Yang.
Could it be a religious thing?

It depends on your point of view.
and remember if we had a very hot summer, there would be repercussions.

So we are sorry that you will have an excellent Selfcatering cottages holiday with us, but please remember someone else is having a horrible holiday somewhere else because of it.
Best or luck
Monday, 30 July 2007
Devon Fishing ground bait at Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centre
Hello Everyone
I have attached the catch report, sorry it is much larger than it appears but we didn't collect all the figures, so they don't count. Just click on it for the big picture.
Underneath is some ground bait information for your interest.

A Simple Ground Bait from
At last the sun is shining here at Newbarn Farm and the fishing has picked up, with the fish taking bait from the bottom and the surface.
A simple ground bait method that we use here at Newbarn Farm and that can be used at other places is a modified pellet based one.
This is how you can make it. Get two pints of micro pellet, place them into bucket or mixing bowl, then add water to the mix. You want sufficient water to just cover the pellet. Leave the mix for about 2 – 3 hours, stirring every thirty minutes, if you can remember.
You can use other size pellets but you will need to adjust the soaking time to obtain the required consistency.
You want to achieve a doe like consistency, which will be strong enough to take any shape you want to mould it into without it falling apart.
You can also add things to this mix i.e. sweetcorn, hempseed broken boilies etc. You can also add different flavoured liquids, so experiment and see what you come up with.
Take the doe like material and mould it around a method feeder, I have shown the Korum flat in line feeder for an example.
You can see how the feeder can have the doe mix moulded around it, the design of the feeder allows you to pack the mixture into it, making a solid mass that will keep its shape.
There is nothing to stop you using the mix to pack around your weights. It may sound odd but the fish do find your hook.

Best of luck with your Devon Fishing at Newbarn Farm Cottages and Angling Centre

Thursday, 26 July 2007
New Holiday Cottage - Great Success Story!