'Children shouldn't be wrapped in cotton wool'
Youngsters need risky adventures says Sir Ranulph, he also has said that children are being wrapped up in cotton wool because teachers are scared of the 'blame- claim' culture. The explorer said teachers were so worried about being sued if pupils suffered accidents that they were put off arranging school trips. He said youngters should be encouraged to take part in the adventures enjoyed by children in the 1960s and 70s and agrued that 'negative connotations' had become attached to the word 'risk'.
The adventurer, who has led expeditions to the North and South Poles, said that learning about risk was as important as learning core subjects such as maths and English. He went on to say, 'Throughout my life, taking measured risks has proved of great interest to me. There have been times when taking some form of risk was the only way to overcome an obstacle and giving up would have been the only alternative. Another way of putting it - as with many avenues of life - is that it's only through taking a bit of a risk that you reap rewards.'
I couldn't agree with him more - children are no longer allowed to explore the parks, climbing trees and live out fantasy worlds in role play with their friends away from the watchful eyes of their parents. They no longer have the freedom to run 'wild' to experience life full on and yes Schools have so many procedures in place now it does prevent some preparing 'adventure' school trips.

Here at Newbarn Farm, a great Devon Fishing location and a haven for wildlife, we are creating a beautiful nature trail with the help of some 'excluded from School' children, once finished we hope these children will have a great sense of achievement, knowing that they are not only helping our wildlife but also creating a great 'fantasy' world for so many other children. As a young child with my brothers and sisters sometimes alone I was free to roam the woods and fields on my parents farm creating the most wonderful make believe fantasy worlds. Climbing trees, jumping across fast flowing brooks and running through dark forest floors riddled with rabbit holes and badger sets - you couldn't get much better. Alas for many of our children of today this can only be a fantasy world far beyond their reach!

Sir Ranulph went on to say that advertising 'encouraging everybody to attack with litigation anybody that could be blamed for anything' had ended the carefree culture of 30 or 40 years ago when schoolchildren enjoyed 'adventure outings'. His comments came as a survey of 400 teachers by school tour organiser the Education Travel Group found that four in ten teachers are put off from arranging visits because they are concerned about litigation.
So if your children's teachers are not prepared to take the risk why don't you open that world of fantasy and risk taking up for your children. A short break at Newbarn Farm, a stay in one of our self-catering cottages & fishing making a great base to explore the 42 acres of woodland and pasture we have here including that wonderful nature trail mentioned previously. Children of all ages will be able to drop into their own world of fantasy and take those measured risks as they play out those roles in this haven for adventure.

Who knows they may even want to try a spot of fishing here at probably one of the best Fishing in Devon locations. It isn't school but we can teach them how!
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