Monday, 25 June 2007

Devon Fishing plus

Hello everyone.

I'm sorry I'm a bit late with the catch report again, however, it is worth waiting for. The Devon Fishing fraternity have been awesome this week, with incredible fishing despite the wettest June on record.

Mind you I have been told that when it's wet the fishing's better.

I have just returned from Newbarn and its looking great.

Here's a couple of Devon fishing pictures.

However a Devon Fishing catch report I do have, are the new Pasties, Pies & Sausage Rolls
Queenie would be impressed.

Left, featuring the sausage roll, top an awesome pastie, no really this is an awesome pastie.
bottom middle the steak and kidney pie, bottom right the chicken and mushroom pie.

I have just eaten the pastie and sausage roll. they are excellent, the best pastie I have found so far for the Devon Fishing fraternity , tell me if you know of others.

As soon as I have tried the pies I will let you know.

It's a good pasties eating week



If you want another look at Yvonne's first fishing experience, have a look at and click on the first time fishing link

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SpiritRaptor said...

Great pictures, I had a great time when I went to newbarn last, was a very enjoyible experience and I would recommend it to anyone.


Devon Holiday Cottages said...

It would be great to spend a a holiday in there. Nice photos.

Cornwall Holiday Cottages