Winter's Wild Magic!
With the season of 'good will to all men' upon us - the fragance of summer meadows, the silent humming of the blue dragonfly, rabbits out for the evening nibbling away for late pickings long after the children have gone to bed and, well the many other wonders of nature that seem to be long forgotten as the nights have drawn in! - How we easily forget whilst sitting in the warmth infront of the open log fire or by turning the central heating up by one notch or two that nature forages on deep through the harsh winter months.

It was only yesterday, taking my two daughters to school that I again I witnessed a sight beyond by imagination! For roughly 10 days, we have seen a large bold dog fox ambling leisurely from our lane's hedgrows, slowly up the field, pausing, glaring nonchantly at our vehicle and then as bold as brass sitting down taking in the early morning sunshine. He simply does not move. We stay there as long as the clock allows us which unfortunately isn't as long as I would like - lucky if a minute doesn't pass by before I start thinking (too many times aloud!) s**t going to be late!!!!

Another regular sight, again often seen on the school run is a Buzzard or two perched on the fencing posts meandering up our lane. Heavy birds they almost seem to struggle to take flight when you disturb them, but my God when in flight they are truly majestic - and fortunately for us at this time of year we do see them on a daily basis. And believe me we are honoured! Where do these birds of prey go in the summer we never see them - we know they don't migrate.
Well it is simple - the summer is the land of plenty for our wildlife but come the winter months we are far more likely to see the wonders of our wildlife literally on our doorstep - and these creatures tend to be the the bigger mammals or birds not really seen by the naked eye during the season of summer Devon Fishing Holidays.

Newbarn Farm is a great Fishing in Devon Location any time of the year, but book during the winter months and you may find a little more than you bargained for!
Newbarn Farm is probably one of the best:
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